September 29, 2023

Donald J. Scialabba Obtains Summary Judgment on Behalf of Sullivan County Hospitalists

Donald J. Scialabba recently obtained a summary judgment dismissal for FKC&S clients, two Sullivan County hospitalists and one critical care specialist in who treated the plaintiff’s decedent during an admission to Catskill Regional Medical Center in 2013.
February 3, 2023

Bain R. Loucks Obtains Summary Judgment on Behalf of Orange County Hand Surgeon

In May 2019, the plaintiff sustained a traumatic injury to his left thumb and was diagnosed with a lacerated extensor pollicus longus (EPL) tendon. Based on the diagnosis, Feldman, Kleidman, Collins & Sappe LLP’s client (FKC&S), a hand surgeon based in Orange County, NY, appropriately recommended surgical repair of the lacerated tendon.
January 27, 2023

Feldman, Kleidman, Collins & Sappe LLP Wins Dismissal of Claims Against Orange County OB-GYN Surgeon

Feldman, Kleidman, Collins & Sappe LLP (FKC&S) recently won a dismissal for an Orange County, NY OB-GYN surgeon in a case involving a 31-year-old patient who presented to FKC&S’s client with a 12-year history of abdominal vaginal bleeding with increasing pelvic pain.
January 20, 2023

Jeffrey M. Feldman Wins Dismissal of Claims Against Orange County Gastroenterologist

Jeffrey M. Feldman recently won a dismissal for an Orange County, NY gastroenterologist in a case involving a 71-year-old man who presented to a hospital emergency department (ED) complaining of fatigue, shortness of breath and rectal bleeding for one day.